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Registration for Extraordinary Examination

30 julho 2021, 14:39 Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho

The extraordinary examination will be Monday, September 6, 15:00 (classroom E1).

Registration is mandatory. Students who DO NOT enroll for the examination will not be able to do the exam.

Detailed information here.

The evaluation of the OOP course always has a practical and a theoretical component (none of them with minimum grade). Therefore, students who have completed the project in this school year, or the previous school year, may use that mark for the practical component. Students who are not under these conditions will undertake practical work individually (and in this case, they should contact the professor to be informed about the project to be carried out). The project will have an oral discussion (time and classroom to be announced).

Registration for Special Period Exam

14 julho 2021, 17:36

Registration via Fenix for the 2nd exam

8 julho 2021, 11:55

Information about exam marks and exam reviews

8 julho 2021, 11:54

Registration via Fenix for the exam

21 junho 2021, 11:23

Corpo Docente

Alexandra Sofia Martins de Carvalho

