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Project - final delivery deadlines

24 maio 2024, 16:17 Paulo Lobato Correia

Dear Students,

The final project presentation, May 31, 8:30-11:30, includes a 10 minute presentation, followed by a visualization of your video, and 10 minute discussion.

Project materials:
- Text – 4 page description (include description of what was implemented) - references can be on a 5th page
- Powerpoint slides – 10 minute presentation
- 3 minute video
Send text PDF + code + powerpoint + video (or links for downloading the materials) until May 28, 5PM, by e-mail to paulo.lobato.correia@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Peer evaluation (≥ 2 questions):
- PDF with 2 questions
Send by e-mail until May 30, 5 PM, to paulo.lobato.correia@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Lab and Quiz results available

24 maio 2024, 16:09

May 21 - Visit to Sensei Tech

23 abril 2024, 09:27

Start of Classes + Groups for lab

5 março 2024, 14:38

Corpo Docente

Paulo Lobato Correia
