10 janeiro 2023, 16:36 João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

The quizz will be done as follows:
 - Half of the class will do the quizz at 13.30 (shift 1) and the other half will do the quizz at 14.15 (shift 2).
- The whole class must be present at 14.15 when we switch shifts. After shift 1 finishes, all students must stand aside remaining in class while students from shift 2 enter the room and sit. Shift 1 leaves the room after the last student of shift 2 is in the room. After this time nobody enters the room with consequent dismiss from the quizz. So, those who were assigned the second turn (shift 2) make sure you are there at 14.15
- Students are allowed to have one A4 page with notes, calculator, pen or pencil and nothing else. All answers will be written in the test page.

Check your shift in this page https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/disciplinas/PIV3/2022-2023/1-semestre/quizz---listing 

VERY IMPORTANT : PIV has  "overbooking". Since the start of the semester PIV class grew in the number of registered students so there are more students than seats in EA5. 

For that reason we need to know how many students are taking the quizz. Some of the registered students are just repeating the exam and other may have quit the course so:

You must register to do the quizz. Check the form https://forms.gle/XZZoBcDHhHQLG1La7 and submit your number and choice. Non registered students will be assumed "not going".

Thank you