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Audit/review Exam #2 and Repetition of Tests #1 and #2

10 fevereiro 2020, 18:03 José Santos-Victor

Dear Students,

The grades have been published.
You may check/audit your repetition tests/Exam tomorrow, Tuesday at 11h30am. 

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor

P.S> Venue for Test/Exam auditing: meeting room of the Systems Decision and Control scientific area, on the 5th floor of the IST North Tower. 

Room assignment for Exam #2 and Recovery of Tests #1 and #2

30 janeiro 2020, 10:44

Registration for the Exam #2

24 janeiro 2020, 17:43

Test #2, Exam #1, solutions and grades

21 janeiro 2020, 17:08

Test/exam examples available, info for Test#2, Exam#1

12 janeiro 2020, 14:38

Corpo Docente

João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira



José Santos-Victor