

15 março 2018, 23:04 João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

Caras Alunas e Alunos,
A avaliação de época especial é igual à época regular, ou seja, constiuida por um exame e um projecto com um peso igual de 50%.A data do exame será definida posteriormente mas será durante o período dedicado a época especial. 

O projecto deve ser entregue no último dia de aulas do segundo semestre. O enunciado e regras do projecto estao na pagina de projecto   em particular o enunciado esta aqui

Detalhes e acompanhamento por favor contacte comigo  (

Exam and Final grades online

13 fevereiro 2018, 19:08 José Santos-Victor

Dear students 

The grades of the exam and the overall final grades are now online.
You can audit your exam on Tuesday, Feb 20 2pm, at the meeting room of the Systems, Decision and Control Scientific Area.
Please send an email to confirm.

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor

Office hours and auditing Test#2

30 janeiro 2018, 00:08 José Santos-Victor

Dear students, 

Please note the following:
- I will have office hours at the North Tower, 5th Floor, meeting room of the "Systems, Decision and Control" Scientific Area as follows: 
       Jan 30, 11h30-12h30 and 
       Jan 31, 11h30-12h30, at the 
- You can see/audit the test on the first slot, Jan 30.
Bear in mind that you have to register for the exam.
It will be allowed to bring one A4 sheet with formulas. Text will not be allowed

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor

Grades and solutions of Test #2 online

27 janeiro 2018, 15:38 José Santos-Victor

Dear students,

The grades and solutions for Test#2 are now online.
Tomorrow, I will publish a schedule for office hours for the next week.

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor

Carification concerning Test #2

14 janeiro 2018, 17:37 José Santos-Victor

Dear students

As I repeatedly got the same questions, here's some clarification about the rules of the test:
- The minimum grade of 9.5 for the average of two tests ad not just one.
- It will be allowed to bring one A4 sheet with equations / formulas.
  IMPORTANT:  that page **must not** include lengthy parts of text or transcriptions of the slides or other material. 

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor