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Reminder - enrollment in M2 modality

11 novembro 2024, 18:54 Rita Gouveia Nunes

This is a reminder that if you are registered in PIC2 and have:

A) not yet chosen a modality but wish to pursue Modality 2
B) registered in Modality 2 but have not yet chosen a Thesis topic; 

You should choose a Thesis topic and enrol in Modality 2 using Fenix by the end of tomorrow (12th of November).

Reminder - P1 evaluation

24 outubro 2024, 14:57

Reminder - P1 evaluation

14 outubro 2024, 13:36

Reminder - enrollment in PIC2 modalities

9 setembro 2024, 10:20

Enrollment in PIC2 modalities

5 setembro 2024, 11:49

Corpo Docente

Rita Gouveia Nunes

