
Lab 3

7 maio 2020, 17:00 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Parts 2,  3 and 4.
TA: Catarina Botelho

Chapter 6

7 maio 2020, 15:30 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Voice quality and emotion modifications.
Evaluation of TTS systems. Demos.
TTS using deep learning.

Lab 3

7 maio 2020, 14:00 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Parts 2,  3 and 4.
TA: Catarina Botelho

Lab shift cancelled

5 maio 2020, 17:00 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Lab shift cancelled

Chapter 6

5 maio 2020, 15:30 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Unit selection concatenative synthesis.
Statistical parametric speech synthesis and hybrid approaches.