
Intermediate Presentations

12 novembro 2018, 10:54 Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

Intermediate presentation of projects will take place on October 15, from 14h to 16h in room VA1, and from 16h to 17h in room GA2. Groups scheduling is available under the topic "Project Evaluation". Each group should submit the presentation material through the fenix system by 23h of November 14 (see "Evaluations" -> "Project: Intermediate Presentations").

Next Seminars

14 outubro 2018, 18:37 Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

The next two seminars will take place on October 18 and October 25, at 14h, room VA1, and will be delivered by David Cristina and Joana Mendonça, respectively. 

Projects First Presentations

8 outubro 2018, 16:17 Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

First presentation of projects will take place on October 11, from 14h to 16h, in room FA3. Groups scheduling is available under the topic "Project Evaluation". Each group should submit the presentation material through the fenix system by 11h of October 11 (see "Evaluations" -> "Project: First Presentation")

Lecture on September 20

19 setembro 2018, 14:07 Ana Luísa Nobre Fred

Lecture on September 20, from 14h to 16h, will address an overview of the course, and a brief presentation of Challenges/Projects to be developed by Groups of 4 students along the semester. Each Challenge/Project may be assigned simultaneously to at most 2 groups.