Lecture Notes
Some students asked me to access the notes I use for teaching. Here are the notes I used last year. Keep in mind that I may modify them on the fly.
Problem Series
Each problem session typically addresses a problem series or a subset of it.
- discrete-time signals (Prob: 3,4,5,6,7)
- discrete-time systems and Fourier transform (Prob: 1,2,3,6a,12ac,18)
- z - transform (Prob: 2abc,3a,5d,9,11)
- discrete Fourier transform (Prob: 2,3ab,5,7b,8)
- least squares method (Prob: 2,3,8)
- random signals (Prob: 1,2,3,6)
- Maximum likelihood method and Crámer-Rao lower bound (Prob: 1a,2,6,8)
- Bayesian estimation