
Lab. 4: Random Signals

21 abril 2015, 14:00 Bruno Guerreiro

In this Lab project we'll explore several concepts related to random signals, which account for most signals observed in nature, in society, and in economy. We will consider two signals in this work (Gaussian signals and speech signals) to explore the definitions, properties, and estimators for the mean, variance, and correlation function.

Sinais aleatórios

21 abril 2015, 09:30 Jorge Salvador Marques

Variáveis aleatórias discretas e contínuas. Função distribuição e função densidade de probabilidade. Exemplos.

Esperança matemática. Média e variância.

Lab. 4: Random Signals

20 abril 2015, 14:00 Bruno Guerreiro

In this Lab project we'll explore several concepts related to random signals, which account for most signals observed in nature, in society, and in economy. We will consider two signals in this work (Gaussian signals and speech signals) to explore the definitions, properties, and estimators for the mean, variance, and correlation function.


17 abril 2015, 15:30 Jorge Salvador Marques


Recovery of Previous Labs

17 abril 2015, 12:30 Bruno Guerreiro

In this Lab the students had the opportunity of repeating one of the past labs to improve their understanding of the addressed concepts and also their grade.