
Lab. 2: Spectral analysis

20 março 2015, 12:30 Bruno Guerreiro

This Lab project addresses spectral analysis concepts using the Short Time Frequency transform, by implementing a telephonic dial system by tones using the Dual ToneMulti-Frequency (DTMF).

Z transform

19 março 2015, 11:00 Jorge Salvador Marques

Exercises about the analysis of LTI systems with the z transform.

Z transform

18 março 2015, 15:30 Jorge Salvador Marques


Lab. 2: Spectral analysis

17 março 2015, 14:00 Bruno Guerreiro

This Lab project addresses spectral analysis concepts using the Short Time Frequency transform, by implementing a telephonic dial system by tones using the Dual ToneMulti-Frequency (DTMF).

Z transform

17 março 2015, 09:30 Jorge Salvador Marques

Properties of the z transform: linearity, time shift, derivative of the transform, convolution. Transfer function of a LTI system. Causality and stability.

Systems represented by difference equations. Transfer function. Poles and zeros. Partial fraction decomposition. Inverse transform by inspection.