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[MCD] Grades of the Pitch, Report and Final Classification

22 maio 2023, 18:56 Miguel Pedro Tavares da Silva

Dear Students,

I have just published the grades of the pitch, final report and final course classification.

You can consult the correction of your report next Thursday (25/05) from 16:30 to 17:30 at my office.

Best regards,

[MCD] Grades of the Exam and 2nd Chance MAPs

12 maio 2023, 18:27

[MCD] Enrollment for the Exam and for the second chance (repescagem) of the MAPs

24 abril 2023, 08:44

[MCD] Grades of the 4th MAP-30

20 abril 2023, 18:33

[MCD] Postponing the project report delivering date

18 abril 2023, 16:57

Corpo Docente

Miguel Pedro Tavares da Silva

