12 fevereiro 2024, 12:50
Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves
It is going to be a great quarter semester!
There are a couple of important things that you should start paying attention right from this moment. The first is that this course will take place entirely in Moodle. This is the only announcement we're ever going to do in Fenix. So, go to the course's Moodle page to get this show on the road (note: this is our own Moodle, not the department's, that you may have used before in other courses, so do follow the link above). All* students enrolled in Fenix as of now are enrolled in Moodle (use your Fenix login). Please attend the first lecture if you're late to this party (enrolled after I posted this). We will then hand out an enrollment password.
More importantly,
this course is a game! We've completely gamified it, and you'll be getting XP instead of a grade. There will be Achievements, Streaks, a Skill Tree, and more. This can become a bit complex if you just land in it with no preparation, so we've created a Player's Handbook! It is available on the Moodle site,
linked directly here, for your convenience.
You must read the Player's Handbook right now. As you know, we are now working under an intensive teaching regime, so it is essential to hit the ground running. If you take a week to get acquainted with everything, you're probably already missing out. In particular, start thinking about which skills from the Skill Tree you want to get over within Weeks 1-2, if you're aiming for the best results (grade...).
Lectures start this Thursday. The first lab classes will be on Friday. In the first lab class, there will be a tutorial and graded individual exercises. The tutorial materials are already available in Moodle, to allow you to start preparing, so go take a look.
Later labs, and a multimedia presentation at the end will be done in groups of three students. Those groups will be formed in the first lab class, so be sure to attend. Only people enrolled in Fenix in a certain schedule ("Turno") and attending the class will be allowed to form a group in that schedule/class. If you are enrolled in a schedule, don't show up for class, and someone else shows up wanting that vacancy, we will replace you with that person. If you absolutely need to be somewhere else, send me an email by Thursday end-of-day justifying your absence and confirming you will attend in upcoming weeks. This is a bit awkward, but In the past, we've had people taking up a spot and then never showing up. Others ended up with less-than-optimal schedules because those vacancies were taken.
Looking forward to meeting you all next Thursday!
(*) In some cases, we could not enroll you because you didn't have an email registered in Fenix. If that's the case, please email me with the missing info.