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Production and Demand of Electrical Energy: Lectures and tutorials

17 setembro 2020, 14:19 José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus

Dear sudents
Wellcome to the course Production and Demand of Electrical Energy.

The lecturers begin on the 22 of September at 15:30. The number of sudents allowed in room EA3 are 18. The remaining students must follow the lectures by Zoom. Details shall be forwarded later
The next lecturer is on the 24 of September at 15:30. The number of students allowed in room GA1 are 24. The remaining students must follow the lectures by Zoom. Details shall be forwarded later.
Tutorials in the odd number weeks shall start on the 24 of September. Students that have an odd number shall attend the tutorials on room E4. The remaining students (even numbered students) are to assist to the tutorials at distance, through Zoom. Details to be forwarded later.
Tutorials in the even numbered weeks start on the 1 of October. Even numbered students shall attend the tutorials in room E4, The rremaining students attend the tutorials through Zoom. Details to be forwarded later
 A list of the students to attend the odd and even numbered weeks on the next announcement

Corpo Docente

José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus

