Últimos anúncios

Google Classroom

15 janeiro 2021, 14:46 José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus

The on-line exams will be performed through Google classrooms

 Access to google suite for education 
  • the exams will be done using the Google Suite for Education tool available at IST  
  • students must activate their account according to the instructions provided by IST's computer services:
  • the students must be sure that they can access the exam using the google account associated with the institutional email address @tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Exam 21-1-2021 11:30

15 janeiro 2021, 10:59

Doubts session on the 14 January

12 janeiro 2021, 18:12

Doubts Session

4 janeiro 2021, 12:35

Doubts Sessions in January

29 dezembro 2020, 15:43

Corpo Docente

José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus

