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Grades for Exam 1
26 janeiro 2021, 10:42 • José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus
The grades for Exam 1 are now available in section Grades
Next Thursday between 15:00 and 16:00 in the Zoom Doubts session students are invited to enquire about the grades
Exam 21-Jan-2021 Instructions for on-line students
20 janeiro 2021, 11:46
Exam of the 21 of January 2021 List of students that can do the Exam on-line through Google Classrooms
19 janeiro 2021, 12:48
Exam de 21 January 2021 Presential Exam. Distribution of students per room
19 janeiro 2021, 12:37
Google Classrooms
18 janeiro 2021, 16:51