Exam 2 8_February 2021_11:30
4 fevereiro 2021, 11:11 • José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus
The exam will take place on February 8 at 11:30 via google classroom.
You will have 1:30 h to solve the exam plus 10 min do digitalize and upload your resolutions on google classroom. The resolution of the exam consists of the cover page of each question and an extra page with the computations for the resolution.
Exam uploaded after this time limit will not be evaluated.
The uploaded file should be in pdf format with the following name: StudentNumber_CompleteName_exam(2A or 2B).pdf. The maximum file size is limited to 100MB.The first page of your test should contain a copy of your student card as well as the signed declaration of honour (see exact wording below).
During the exam, students must be on-line with the cameras connected in Zoom address
Declaration of Honour: “By submitting this assessment online, I declare on my honour that I will resolve the test using only authorized consultation elements, autonomously and without exchanging any information by any means, with any person or repository of information, physical or virtual.”