Load Forecast
26 outubro 2023, 08:00 • Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais
- Forecasting methods
- Patterns that describe a tlme series: trends,cycles, seasonal variations, irregular fluctuations.
- Measuring forecast errors
- Multiple Linear Regresssion
- Multiple Linear Regression.
- Statistics of beta coefficients.
- Estimation of errors variance: Sum of square of the errors and number of degrees of freedom.
- Sum of squares of regression
- Sum of squares of dependent variable.
- The coefficient of determination, R 2
- The Fisher distribution test and the Stuent t distribution test
- Interval of confidence for beta coefficients and dependent variable forecast.
- Models for long term energy forecast and short term load forecast
- Building a causal time series for forecasting the consumption of electric energy
Load Forecast + MAP4(CCGT and Hydro)
24 outubro 2023, 11:00 • Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais
Load Forecast
MAP4(CCGT and Hydro)
Load Forecast + MAP4(CCGT and Hydro)
24 outubro 2023, 09:00 • Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais
Load Forecast
MAP4(CCGT and Hydro)