Installation Instructions

In this course, we will use the programming language Julia and the programming editor Atom complemented with Juno.


First, install Julia:
More specifically, use:
We recommend that you accept the default installation options.


Second, install Atom:
More specifically, use:
Again, we recommend that you accept the default installation options.


Third, launch Atom and install Juno
In Atom, either choose Install Package in the list of options that appear or go to Settings (Ctrl+,) and go to the Install panel.
Type uber-juno into the search box and hit enter. Click the Install button on the package of the same name and wait. Atom will install several packages and will inform you when it's done. You can answer Yes to all questions presented by Atom.

When the installation completes, you will have a pane in the bottom for interacting with Julia. Click on that pane and press enter. Julia should have started and will begin its own installation process.When it's done, press the ] key. You will notice that the prompt changed. Then write

When it's done, press backspace.

To test if the installation worked, on a new file write:

using Khepribackend(autocad)circle()

and evaluate the file (using the Start icon (a triangle)) on the left. You must also start AutoCAD. If, after starting it, you see an AutoCAD dialog asking if you want to load Khepri, click on the button 'Always Load'.You should then see a circle in AutoCAD.

Note: in case Atom shows errors and messages such as
Please, close AutoCAD and retry.


Please, start/restart AutoCAD.

just do what it says.