
Exam 31/1 @ IGOT

25 janeiro 2020, 18:32 Isabel Loupa Ramos

The grades of the first exam are in the folder.

As mentioned during last exam the next exame will not be at IST but at IGOT.
www.igot.ulisboa.ptIGOT – Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território
Rua Branca Edmée Marques, 1600-276 Lisboa
It will supervised by José Luis Zêzere.

I will post the room asap.
If you want to participate, don't forget to enrol 48 hours before.
Any questions please let me know.



21 dezembro 2019, 22:14 Isabel Loupa Ramos

Dear all. 

As promised you can find the final grades in the folder.
Thank you for joining the course. 
It was a pleasure having you.
Have a save travel back home.

All the best luck for your future endeavours.
Happy holidays.

Class room

25 novembro 2019, 21:38 Isabel Loupa Ramos

During the last weeks of this semester all classes on Tuesdays will take place in room v1.13 from 8 to 11:30.


NEW MEETING POINT field trip 19/11- 8:30

18 novembro 2019, 16:49 Isabel Loupa Ramos

Due to weather conditions, or better soil condition in the woodland of Monsanto, it was decided to shorten our fieldtrip, therefore our NEW MEETING POINT is as follows:
Meeting is at 8:30 at the bus stop "Pólo Universitário da Ajuda" of bus number 742.

It passes front of IST and takes circa 40 minutes to get there.
Visit finishes at 10:45 for students to be able to get back to classes at IST.

Rooms Compensation Classes

12 novembro 2019, 14:04 Isabel Loupa Ramos

  • 18/11 | 11h00 - 13h00 - V1.04
  • 22/11 | 15h30 - 17h30 - V1.34