
Workshop from Objectives to Principles

14 janeiro 2022, 08:30 Isabel Loupa Ramos

World café discussion using miro-board on trade-off between objectives and how to use principles to find solutions.


17 dezembro 2021, 14:30 Isabel Loupa Ramos

From Trancao Marshland across the EXPO.


17 dezembro 2021, 13:30 Isabel Loupa Ramos

From Trancao Marshland across the EXPO.

Discussion GI objectives (2)

17 dezembro 2021, 10:30 Isabel Loupa Ramos

Discussion on Climate Change and Biodiversity objectives applied to the study area.

Discussion GI objectives (2)

17 dezembro 2021, 08:30 Isabel Loupa Ramos

Discussion on Climate Change and Biodiversity objectives applied to the study area.