
Meta-Circular Evaluators

27 março 2023, 11:30 António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Data structures based on higher-order functions.

Symbols vs identifiers: quote.Macros.

Functions vs macros.

Macro problems.


First-class environments.

The eval function.

Project Support

24 março 2023, 11:30 António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Project Support

Project Support

24 março 2023, 08:00 António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

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Project Support

23 março 2023, 14:00 António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Project Support

Meta-Circular Evaluators

23 março 2023, 11:30 António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Higher-order functions.


Single vs multiple namespaces.

Anonymous functions.

Equivalence of forms.

Source-to-source transformations.

Dynamic scope and higher order functions.

Downard funarg problem and upward funarg problem.

Lexical scope.

Higher-order functions under lexical scope.