
The gossip architecture

12 dezembro 2019, 08:00 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

The gossip architecture. Causal, Forced and Immediate Operations. (chapter 18)

The gossip architecture

10 dezembro 2019, 15:30 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

The gossip architecture. Causal, Forced and Immediate Operations. (chapter 18)

Paper Presentations

10 dezembro 2019, 14:00 João Coelho Garcia

Paper Presentations

Consensus (conclusion)

10 dezembro 2019, 09:30 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

Description of the operation of paxos using proposers, acceptors and learners. Multipaxos.

Consensus (conclusion)

9 dezembro 2019, 16:30 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

Description of the operation of paxos using proposers, acceptors and learners. Multipaxos.