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Grades after 2nd Exam

24 fevereiro 2022, 19:58 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

The grades after the 2nd exam and before "revisão de provas" are available here: pauta-exame2-v1.pdf

The listing with the grades has no official value and  may still contain errors. Please double-check if the information in the listing is correct.  Let me know of any errors asap.  If you believe there was a mistake when grading your exam, I can schedule a meeting such that you can consult the graded version. Please send an email to ler@tecnico.ulisboa.pt **before March 1**.

Room for the 2nd exam in Alameda

23 fevereiro 2022, 13:42

2nd Exam

5 fevereiro 2022, 15:25

Grades after the 1st Exam

24 novembro 2021, 18:29

Practical Components Grades

21 novembro 2021, 11:32

Corpo Docente

Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues



João Coelho Garcia