Final Marks
3 fevereiro 2020, 23:15 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
The final marks are already posted in Other Docs.
OP Marks
23 janeiro 2020, 17:40 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
Test, Exam and dead line to the project
7 janeiro 2020, 10:58 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
Dear students,
Class on October,10
9 outubro 2019, 22:30 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
Dear Students,
As expected I have to attend an important meeting about the future rules of Chem Eng. master at IST then, I propose a similar class as last week with the team created.
Starting classes
14 setembro 2019, 09:25 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
Classes will start next Monday, September 16 at 9:30 on room 5 of LTI on the 5th floor of South Tower