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Weekly feedback - please fill the form...

4 maio 2020, 11:07 José Borbinha

Last week was project delivery, with no weekly case, but please give us your feedback anyway on:

  • any relevant input (comments or suggestions, including on the project...)
  • on the seminary (by Gabriel Coimbra and Bruno Horta Soares)

Project - Delivery of intermediate report - Deadline 3rd May 10:00

30 abril 2020, 18:30

Case H - ready for review

26 abril 2020, 11:30

Case H and Case I published

20 abril 2020, 21:03

Case G - ready for review

19 abril 2020, 10:58

Corpo Docente

José Borbinha



Diogo Alexandre Breites de Campos Proença

Paulo Guedes