
Case D grades published

26 março 2019, 09:57 Carlos Mendes

Please see in the course's dashboard (click here) the grades of Case D (detailed grades are available as a PDF file in the Case D section).

Weekly Case F is published

25 março 2019, 19:20 Carlos Mendes

Please see here the template for the Case F and learn in the course's dashboard (click here) your group for this case report analysis.

Case E - please put the 2 cmaps in the first page!!!

25 março 2019, 14:55 José Borbinha

Please put your 2 conceptual maps in the first page of the Case E report, plus all the rest in the second!It seem the template can be misunderstood about that...

BTW, we'll start the class of this week relating these concepts with the rest of the course! I'll start by clarifying all that, and then expect you to engage in a good discussion...As extra "food for tough" for you, a few (maybe un?)related links:

Feedback forms - PLEASE FILL IN!!!

25 março 2019, 09:04 José Borbinha

We recall we are using now a feedback form for each class, since Class 4.If you had not filled them PLEASE DO clicking below (this is the way we'll use form now to record the presences in classes, but please FILL EVEN IF YOU WERE NOT IN CLASS, as feedback will be always valuable):

Class 5 slides and feedback

22 março 2019, 10:11 José Borbinha

The slides of class 5 are available in the section "Resources"
Please give us your feedback of this class in THIS FORM (click here)