
Class 28th February - seminary background...

25 fevereiro 2019, 12:38 José Borbinha

Next class will include a seminar (by Bruno Horta Soares, the president of the Lisbon Chapter of the international organisation ISACA.
The focus will be on the role of ISACA as a reference international professional organisation focused on IT governance, and in special the role of the COBIT framework on that.
In order to prepare yourself for that, please explore the ISACA web site in general, and in special the resources about COBIT, (e.g., the COBIT 5 Student Book a - see our section "Resources"...), and make a fast web search for what is being discussed about COBIT 2019...

Please also check the ISACA Student Membership information from the ISACA web site!!!


20 fevereiro 2019, 16:51 José Borbinha

Welcome to GSI - Gestão dos Sistemas de Informação  (Information Systems Management).

PLEASE CAME ALL TO CLASSES, starting tomorrow!!!

During the semester, we will have only one shift per week, in the period 15:30-18:30 at TagusPark (Auditorium A4)
Typically, each will the class will have two parts, with a break in between.

The operation of this course will run as described below:

  • The first class will be exceptional, to explain to the students the scope and objectives of the course, as also its planning and operating mode... all details will be provided and all questions answered... !!!

  • Every week, starting now, a reference text describing a case, or a set of references, will be published for the students to read and analyse, an provide a report (according to a template provided for that purpose). That report must be upload in Fenix until 2PM of the day before the following class, and all that will be then discussed in the class, as the main subject of that week. These reports will support the discussion in class, but also will be reviewed by the professors for grading. Depending of the week, the reports must be done individually or in group (the first one, "Case A", already is available, and is for individual analysis; the other will that will be announced weekly). Please see here the section for that...

  • We also will have the presence in class of invited speakers. These speakers will provide a presentation related with the subject of the week, to be followed by an open discussion with the class. Depending of the week, this will occur either at the start of the class (15:30), or at the start of the second part, after a break (17:00). The list of these invitees will be announced in the first class (it'll be a really first class group of reputed speakers, so please do not miss them!!!)

  • During the semester, students also will make a group's project. Please see here the section for that... There will be three project phases; the requirements for each phase will be discussed in the third class, but please start immediately reading the materials already available... We will have a workshop at the end, for a public presentation of all the project's reports. We are used to have it alive and fun ;-)

  • Finally, in the last week of classes (last week of May) the student also will be asked to make a "super" individual case analysis and provide a report (what in this course will be the equivalente of a written exam).

Looking forward to meet you all tomorrow in our first class...