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NEW - Final project report (FP) Due date: 10 August 2020.

20 julho 2020, 18:57 Hélder Carriço Rodrigues

(NEW)  Final Project Report (FP) due date: 10  August 2020. 

 The report should be in PDF format. It is not required to send the "PowerPoint" presentation.

 IMPORTANT: The Home Work (HW) due date is maintained: 27 July 2020.


"Special Evaluation Period" , 1- 9 of September 2020.

9 junho 2020, 06:46

Publicação de Notas

7 fevereiro 2020, 18:56

Important: Final Project Discussion Date & Hour

30 janeiro 2020, 11:59

HW Grades/Nota TPC

12 janeiro 2020, 21:25

Corpo Docente

Hélder Carriço Rodrigues



João Orlando Marques Gameiro Folgado

José Miranda Guedes