Please read the Syllabus for all course information.
Syllabus: OD_Syllabus_2023_24.pdf
- L1 - Syllabus, Introduction to OR and Linear Programming: OD_T1_Intro_LP_2024.pdf
- L2 - Simplex and Duality Theory: OD_T2_LP_Simplex_Duality_2024.pdf
- L3 - Transportation and Assignment Problems: OD_T3_Transportation_Assignment_Problems_2024.pdf
- L4 - Network Optimization Problems and Algorithms: OD_T4_Network_Problems_2024.pdf
- Paper reading: BF02592101_NetworkOPT_Dijkstra1996.pdf (implementations of Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford-Moore algorithm comparison)
- L5 - Integer Programming, Binary problems: OD_T5_IP_Problems_BranchAndBound_4BIP_2024.pdf
- L6 - Integer Programing: OD_T6_IP_Problems_BranchAndBound_4IP_2024.pdf
- L7 - Nonlinear Programing: OD_T7_NonlinearProgramming_Problems2024.pdf
- L8 - Metaheuristics: OD_T8_Metaheuristics_NCNL_Problems2024.pdf
- L9, L10 - Metaheuristics (GA, ACO, PSO): OD_T8__T9_T10_Metaheuristics_2024.pdf
- L11 - Dynamic Programing: OD_T11_Dynamic Programming2024.pdf
- L12 - Decision Analysis: OD_T12_Decision_Analysis_2024.pptx
Practical classes
- P.b1 - Introduction and github: GitHub Instructions.pdf
- P.a1 and P.b2- Simplex and sensitivity: 2024_OD_P2_PBs_Simplex_and_Sensitivity_Analysis.pdf
- P.a2 and P.b3 - Transportation and assignment: 2024_P3 OD_Transport_Assignment_and_Network_Problems.pdf
- P.a3 and P.b4 - Integer Programming: 2024_P4 OD_Integer_Programming.pdf
- Solutions: 2024_P4 OD_Integer_Programming_solutions.pdf
- P.a4 and P.b5 - Nonlinear Programming: 2024_P5 OD_Nonlinear_Programming.pdf
Extra Exercises
- Dynamic Programming: OD_PL_Dynamic Programming.pdf
- Decision and Game Theory: OD_PL_Game_Theory_and_DecisionAnalysis.pdf
- Exam example: 2024_OD_Example Exam.pdf
Project (Do not forget to register your group in FENIX)
- Project list: OD_Projects2024.pdf
- Project registration: Registration (Re-activated!)
- Comments 1st part: Project_Part1_GeneralFeedback.pdf
Other bibliography:
Michael L. Bynum, Gabriel A. Hackebeil, William E. Hart, Carl D. Laird, Bethany L. Nicholson, John D. Siirola, … David L. Woodruff, Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python, Springer 2021: Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python | SpringerLink
El-Ghazali Talbi. Metaheuristics: from Design to Implementation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2009
- Project Part 1: OD_Grades_ProjPart1.pdf
- Project Part 2: OD_Grades_ProjPart2.pdf
- Exam and final grades: Exam_GradesAndFinalGrades.pdf
- 1st Exam with suggested solution: Exam1_Sol.pdf
- 2nd exam and final grades: OD3_-_Students_grades_Final2.pdf
- 2nd Exam with suggested solution: OD_23_24 Exam_2_sol.pdf
Professor Susana Vieira
Pav. Eng. Mec. III, Office 4.6
Ext: 3117
Professor Filipe Santos
Pav. Eng. Mec. III, Office 4.2
Ext: 3512