Grades and review session

5 fevereiro 2018, 15:11 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

The grades after exam 2 have been uploaded: see file "grades-after-exam2.pdf" in the section "Grades."Note that "NA" means "Not Approved." (Recall that the passing grade in the exam is 10 points; for example, 9.9 is not a passing grade.)

The review session ("Revisão de Provas") is on Wednesday, February 7, 15h30, at the 5th floor of North Tower.

There was a sheet of paper whose author we couldn't identify. It is written in Portuguese and contains answers to problems 5 and 6: see the file "unidentified-exam" in the section "Grades." If you are the author of this solution, please (a) identify yourself and (b) show up in the review session, to receive some credit for those solutions.