
Projects oral presentations

17 dezembro 2018, 17:17 Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo

The schedule for the projects' oral presentations this week is published on this website.

Classes this week

10 dezembro 2018, 23:12 Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo

Both classes this week will be divided into a lecture (first half) and discussion of project questions (second half).

Project assignments and class tomorrow 4/12

3 dezembro 2018, 23:39 Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo

The list of groups and projects assigned to each group is published in section Documents.

The project guidelines and data are available in the respective folder of /home/ni1819 in

There will be no class tomorrow 4/12. The class on Thursday 6/12 will be used for answering questions about the projects.

Practical classes 27/11 and 29/11

26 novembro 2018, 19:03 Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo

Two practical classes are taking place this week, 27/11 and 29/11.

The guidelines area available in section Documents of this website.

Please note that a bonus will be given to the grade of students successfully completing the assignment over the 2 practical classes.

Project guidelines and topics

18 novembro 2018, 17:38 Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo

A document with the project guidelines and a list of proposed topics is published  section Documents.

The projects will be further discussed on the Tuesday class this week.