Últimos anúncios

First exam of Engines

11 novembro 2022, 15:59 João Eduardo de Barros Teixeira Borges

The exam of Engines will take place next Friday, 18th of November, from 10h30 to 12h30.
The exam will have two problems, one on Internal Combustion Engines, and the other on Electrical Machines.
You can consult an A4 sheet with formulas.

Deadline for submission of the laboratory report

4 novembro 2022, 14:34

MAP evaluation on the 4th of November

1 novembro 2022, 16:18

Laboratory of Electrical Machines

23 outubro 2022, 12:42

Course about Lubrication of Internal Combustion Engines

20 outubro 2022, 12:27

Corpo Docente

João Eduardo de Barros Teixeira Borges



João Filipe Pereira Fernandes