Disk space:
Students will use their afs disk space.
In order to enable the use of afs, students need to go to https://selfservice.dsi.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ and request its activation.
Windows users:
Students using Windows must download (for free) Xming and putty software.
Xming must be launched and stay running in background.
putty must be configured allowing X11 forwarding, hostname fatima2.vps.tecnico.ulisboa.pt and username from fenix.
Mac users:
MAC users can use Xquartz and run
ssh -Y istxxxxx@fatima2.vps.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
OR, even better, add the line:
XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth
to file ~/.ssh/config
and use:
ssh -X istxxxxx@fatima2.vps.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
VPN connection:
In order to improve the quality of your connection to the campus network, it is recommended to connect the vpn following the instructions in:
Client VNC and Linux server configuration document is available in the Laboratory section.