
Época especial

26 julho 2023, 23:23 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

Foi publicada a pauta após o exame de época especial. A revisão de provas é possível se solicitada por email até 27/7. A nota será lançada a 28/7

2nd exams results

14 julho 2023, 23:09 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The 2nd exam results were published.

Exam review is possible next Monday, July 17, at 10am in the Lab.

I would like to congratulate the students for the very good results globaly achieved!

First exam results

6 julho 2023, 09:00 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The first exam evaluation results are published.
Exam review is possible next Monday, 10/07, at 10am, in the lab.

Additional Lab / support period

7 junho 2023, 09:40 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

Additional support for the 5th lab and general questions will be available June 14, from 1000 to 1130. in the Lab

Lab shifts

1 maio 2023, 22:40 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The pre-registration on lab shifts did not include the structure in groups.

Many students were not able to register for the available lab shifts since the capacity was not enough.

Therefore, Wednesday, May 3rd, from 0800 to 2300, 9 groups of 3 students can register online in each of the available lab shifts:

L3 - Tue 1030-1200, Thu 0930-1100

L4 - Mon 0830-1000, Wed 0830-1000

L6 - Mon 1600-1730, Wed 1130-1300

Lab classes start on Thursday, May 4th