
Pauta do 2º exame

8 fevereiro 2018, 15:43 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

Foi publicada a pauta do 2º exame.
Revisão de prova no dia 9 às 10h no LE1

Evaluation after revision of 1st exam

23 janeiro 2018, 20:03 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The evaluation list after the revision of the first exam was published

Evaluation results

19 janeiro 2018, 18:33 Marcelino Bicho dos Santos

The evaluation of the 1st exam and labs was published

Reports of the two laboratory or project work

3 janeiro 2018, 15:28 António Carlos De Campos Simões Baptista

In response to requests from various groups, the submission of project reports is postponed to January 8, 2018.

Reports of the two laboratory or project work

3 janeiro 2018, 13:51 António Carlos De Campos Simões Baptista

Reports of the two laboratory or project work must be submitted by January 5, 2018.

To submit the reports go to the Microelectrónica page in Fenix and do the upload of the files in "Avaliação"-"Projectos" in the area corresponding to your group.