
Avaliações Específicas Descrição
Project nº 1 Assignment nº 1 constitutes a significant 50% of the final course grade. The project does not have a predefined minimum passing grade, and there is no requirement for an in-person presentation. Students are expected to submit a comprehensive report (pdf file) that provides a detailed explanation of the procedures carried out for each task. Furthermore, each group must include a simulation code with appropriate comments and, if necessary, a marine accident investigation report.
Project nº 2 The assignment involves the development of a simple code to estimate the ship collision risk over two ship trajectories provided by the AIS.
Projectos Início Fim
Projecto: Project nº 1 20/09/2023 00:01 09/10/2023 00:00
Projecto: Project n. 2 25/10/2023 17:00 18/11/2023 23:00