Registration for the 2nd exam and information concerning the exam

6 fevereiro 2023, 09:11 Amílcar José Martins Arantes

A - Registration for the 2nd exam on February 9th (8 am)

  • Students intending to take the 2nd MSS exam scheduled for January 9th (8 am) should register in Fenix no later than 12 am on February 8th.

B - The exam paper comprises two parts: 

  • Part I – This part has a theoretical/conceptual nature and is composed of one group, and the answers will be given directly in the exam paper.
  • Part II – This part has three groups of questions (of an applied nature), these are to be answered separately, and it is required that the student brings three groups of sheets (name and student number on the top) to provide answers to the exam questions. For part II of the exam, students are allowed to bring the following:
    • A simple scientific calculator (any type, as long as it is used only to perform calculations; computers, tablets, smartphones, or any communication devices are not allowed);
    • The formulary on queueing models as it is available in Fenix, without comments or any additional notes;
    • And one A4 sheet (both sides) that must be handwritten (computer-processed text or photocopies are not allowed). The content of this sheet is free, but it should include any formulas, definitions, etc., that might be needed during the exam and must have at the top (within a strip with about 2cm) the identification of the student (name and number).
    • NOTE: the student can access these materials only after Part I is turned in.
  • Students must bring (and have readily available, on top of the table where they are seated) their official student card or some other official identification document with a photo (passport, driving license, cartão do cidadão, etc.).
  • Exam questions will be in English. However, students can respond in English or Portuguese.

Amílcar Arantes