
Exact Quantization and Instantons

19 dezembro 2019, 13:00 Ricardo Schiappa

Semiclassical decoding of the resurgent solution for the double-well spectrum via instanton calculus.

Exact Quantization

17 dezembro 2019, 13:00 Ricardo Schiappa

Exact WKB for the double-well: resurgent solution for the spectrum.

Exact Quantization

12 dezembro 2019, 13:00 Ricardo Schiappa

Exact WKB for the double-well: perturbative and nonperturbative quantizations.


10 dezembro 2019, 13:00 Ricardo Schiappa

Introduction to Borel summability and resurgence.

WKB and Resurgence

5 dezembro 2019, 13:00 Ricardo Schiappa

Nonperturbative content of exact WKB. Introduction to resurgence.