
Project work grades and corresponding global marks

26 fevereiro 2021, 15:47 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

The project work grades, together with the corresponding global marks, are available in section “Grades-notas”. Please check whether these are correct.

If you have any questions or doubts concerning these grades, please send a mail to the professor who marked (and provided guidance on) your project work.

The ME/SM teaching team salutes all students and we hope that the attendance of this course was a fruitful and rewarding experience for you. And we wish you all the best.

Rui Oliveira

Grades of the 2nd exam

17 fevereiro 2021, 19:34 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

Grades of the 2nd exam are now available in section “Grades-Notas” of Fenix.

Review of the exam marks can be done by Zoom with the professor that marked each group of questions who was:

Rui Oliveira – Groups I, II and III

Diogo Ferreira – Group IV

If you want to review the exam marks in some group of questions, please send a mail to the professor who marked the group at stake and you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

And please remember that the final report on the project work must be submitted until February 19th. After that, the final grade cannot be sent to the Secretary this semester.

Rui Oliveira

Instructions for the 2nd exam - Reminder

8 fevereiro 2021, 13:49 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

If you are intending to take the 2nd online exam (scheduled for tomorrow, 15:00), you should have already registered in Fenix for that purpose. If somehow you forgot to do this, send very urgently an email (up to 23:59 today) or you cannot take this exam.

As posted before, the exam will be constituted by 4 “Groups of questions”, each with some time allowance (to be defined in the exam paper) for the students to write their answers (plus about 5 minutes for the students to prepare and submit the file with her/his answers). Files with handwritten answers must be submitted in Fenix (projects named “E2-Answers to Group N”, where N is the Group number, will be created) up to the time-limit defined for each Group of questions. Please be aware that answers submitted after those time-limits are not considered. In all Groups of questions multiple submissions are allowed, but only the last one submitted will be considered.

Only if students experience technical difficulties in submitting files with answers in Fenix these can be send by email (to all 3 professors) and students should immediately report those difficulties using the “Chat” facility in Zoom and/or by email, attaching photos, print screen images or similar to fully document the situation. In any case, answers sent after the defined time-limits for each Group of questions are not considered.

Please read carefully the information and instructions concerning online exams posted before in Fenix (and sent then by mail).

Rui Oliveira

Review of the exam marks and due date for submitting the final project work report

5 fevereiro 2021, 18:57 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

(Answer topics for group IV are now available - Marta Gomes)

The reviewing process of the 1st exam marks will be done the following way:

1) Answer topics to the exam questions are made available in Fenix (section “Previous exams”, where the exam paper is also available). These are already available for Groups of questions I, II and III and will be shortly for Group IV;

2) Students can compare the answers they submitted with those “answer topics” (which reflect what “was expected” or the students could produce in their answers);

3) If you consider that, in face of this comparison, the assigned mark in some group of questions is not appropriate, then send ASAP a mail to the professor that marked that group of questions presenting your arguments and you will receive a reply;

4) If considered necessary, the issue can be discussed by Zoom with the professor involved. These Zoom sessions will be scheduled for Monday morning, starting around 11:00.

The professors who marked each group of questions were:

Rui Oliveira – Groups I, II and III

Marta Gomes – Group IV

The final report on the project work must be submitted until February 19th. After that, the final grade cannot be presented to the Secretary this semester.

Rui Oliveira

Grades of the 1st exam

4 fevereiro 2021, 22:27 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

Grades of the 1st exam are now available in section “Grades-Notas” of Fenix.

Review of the exam marks can be done by Zoom with the professor that marked each group of questions who was:

Rui Oliveira – Groups I, II and III

Marta Gomes – Group IV

If you want to review the exam marks in some group of questions, please send a mail to the professor who marked the group at stake and you will receive instructions on how to proceed. Most probably, this review of the exam marks will take place on Monday morning (starting around 11:00) – data and time to be confirmed yet.

Rui Oliveira