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Project work and final grades

8 março 2022, 14:04 Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira

The marks on the project work and corresponding ME final grades are available in section "Grades–Notas". Any questions concerning the project work mark can be clarified with the professor who supervised (and marked) your project.

Students are strongly recommended to check the correction of the posted final grades. Any possible inaccuracy must be communicated immediately.

The ME teaching team salutes all students who have attended this course and we hope that this attendance has constituted a rewarding and fruitful experience. On our part, we have done our best to promote academic success and the development of skills and competences in Statistical Modelling. We also wish you all the greatest successes and future achievements, personal and professionally.

We also take the opportunity to encourage students to complete the QUC surveys with your evaluation of this course and its teaching staff, and all the comments and suggestions that might contribute to improve our performance and future realizations of this course are very welcome.

Rui Oliveira, Diogo Ferreira and Marta Gomes

Exam of February 24th – grades and marks review

28 fevereiro 2022, 16:44

ME exam - Thursday, February 24th (at 18:00)

23 fevereiro 2022, 16:08

Registration for the ME exam of February 24th - reminder

22 fevereiro 2022, 18:44

Exam of February 12th - grades

18 fevereiro 2022, 14:53

Corpo Docente

Rui Manuel Moura de Carvalho Oliveira



Marta Castilho Gomes

Diogo Filipe da Cunha Ferreira