Últimos anúncios

Course results

15 julho 2024, 19:32 Teresa Maria Bodas Freitas

Dear students,

The results of the assessment of the course have been published.
If you have any queries regarding the grades and/or would like to revise the assignments please contact me by email teresabodas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt to arrange a meeting in person or using zoom. 
Wish you all the best, Teresa 

Oral examinations this pm start at 15:00

21 junho 2024, 13:53

Oral examination instructions

19 junho 2024, 09:09

Oral examinations and course work submission

11 junho 2024, 14:43

Doubts times - 12th and 14th June

11 junho 2024, 10:45

Corpo Docente

Teresa Maria Bodas Freitas

