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Material for the second exam

24 fevereiro 2022, 21:31 Conceição Amado

The second exam is scheduled for February 25 at 1 p.m. in room QA02.1.

You can take to your examination:
  • lecture notes (printed) BUT without any exercises inside!
  • IST answer sheet
  • draft-sheets
  • formula_Sheets (PE)
  • tables (PE)
  • hand calculator (any model)
plus 4 A4 pages with key concepts (your notes) from the lectures (without any exercises!)

Material for the first exam

5 fevereiro 2022, 12:28

Pospone Groups' registration date

22 outubro 2021, 21:04

Groups ' registration - Project

19 outubro 2021, 22:42

Welcome to the MEDM course

18 setembro 2021, 11:10

Corpo Docente

Conceição Amado

