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MEC - Second Final Exam

10 julho 2023, 16:55 Fernanda Maria Ramos da Cruz Margarido

Dear students

The 2nd date for the MEC EXAM is scheduled for 25th July at 15:30.

If you intend to come to this exam, please send me an email before July 17th ,

Best regards

Fernanda Margarido

Final Grades

3 fevereiro 2023, 19:36

Exam grades

2 fevereiro 2023, 12:14

Presentation schedule

11 janeiro 2023, 18:19

Postpone the delivery of the WGP

11 janeiro 2023, 18:06

Corpo Docente

Fernanda Maria Ramos da Cruz Margarido



Alberto Eduardo Morão Cabral Ferro

Ana Lanham

Susete Maria Martins Dias