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Final Grades

6 julho 2021, 14:44 Rui Prada

The final grades are up. Please check them and let us know if you find any problem.

We will be available on Monday 12 at 10:00 in Rui's Office Hours Link to discuss the grades with you, in case you have any question.
The grades will be final after that.
Congratulations to all for the great work.

Grades Updated

21 junho 2021, 21:54

Final Report and Final Delivery

1 junho 2021, 22:07

Testing the games

31 maio 2021, 23:17

Consent for the recording of the MOJO session

29 maio 2021, 15:59

Corpo Docente

Rui Prada



Nélio Codices

Pedro Alexandre Simões dos Santos