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Publicação de Notas

3 fevereiro 2020, 17:40 Miguel Matos Neves

The students who want to do a revision of the Exam2 can do it this Wednesday 05Feb 17:30 or may arrange with the teacher by email (up to 4Feb). After it, the marks will be submitted to the IST graduation office. *** Check if your final mark is correct and if not contact me about it (email upto 4Feb or attend the revision 5Feb 17h30).

Exam2 Marks, Final Marks and Revision 5Feb 17h30

3 fevereiro 2020, 17:12

Marks of the Assignment 2 available

27 janeiro 2020, 10:16

Next office hours, exam and marks of the 2nd assignment (project)

23 janeiro 2020, 15:08

Reception of Printed Report

3 janeiro 2020, 23:08

Corpo Docente

Miguel Matos Neves

