2nd Exam - registration and Q&A classes

7 julho 2020, 15:43 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

The registration period for the 2nd exam starts Wednesday (08/07/2020, 16h) and ends Wednesday, 15/07/2020, 12h. Registration is mandatory. Don't forget to register...  The Q&A classes (aulas de dúvidas) for the exam are on Monday, 13/07, 14h30, and Thursday, 16/07, 16:30h, both by video conference. The exam is to be done without any consultation except for a single A4 sheet formulæ, and according to the same as for the 1st exam (see previous announcement).

The 2nd exam is scheduled to start at 18h30. The VC meeting will start at 18h15m.