
Época Especial

31 agosto 2020, 11:30 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Para quem está inscrito para o exame de Época Especial, informo que o exame fica marcado para o dia 8 de Setembro de 2020 às 11:30 na sala V1.12.

Luís Custódio

2nd Exam Grades

22 julho 2020, 12:57 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

In section Pautas it is available a pdf with the grades for the second exam of MCSM, and the complete list with the final grades ("Pauta completa (2020-07-22)")

Please send me an email by tomorrow in case you want to check your exam. If necessary I will schedule an hour next Friday to do this.

In the file 'ExamAnswers.pdf' you have also the answers for the 2nd exam - 2019/2020.


2nd Exam - registration and Q&A classes

7 julho 2020, 15:43 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

The registration period for the 2nd exam starts Wednesday (08/07/2020, 16h) and ends Wednesday, 15/07/2020, 12h. Registration is mandatory. Don't forget to register...  The Q&A classes (aulas de dúvidas) for the exam are on Monday, 13/07, 14h30, and Thursday, 16/07, 16:30h, both by video conference. The exam is to be done without any consultation except for a single A4 sheet formulæ, and according to the same as for the 1st exam (see previous announcement).

The 2nd exam is scheduled to start at 18h30. The VC meeting will start at 18h15m.

1st Exam Grades

1 julho 2020, 14:49 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

In section Pautas it is available a link for the grades of the first exam of MCSM.

Please send me an email by the end of this week in case you want to check your exam. If necessary I will schedule an hour next week to do this.

In the file 'ExamAnswers.pdf' you have also the answers for the 1st exam - 2019/2020.


MCSM exam rules - 2019/2020

20 junho 2020, 10:37 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Exam duration: 2h30m

The exam is composed of 6 short questions (6v) and 4 development questions (14v)

The exam is scheduled to start at 15h00

It will run by video conference. The VC meeting will start at 14h40m

Students should join the meeting at least 15m before the beginning of the exam to ensure that everything complies with these rules

The exam is to be done without any consultation except for a single A4 sheet formulæ

Students may use a scientific calculator. There is no need for a calculator with programming capabilities and therefore it should not be used

The first page of the exam has the following Commitment of Honor that you have to fill and sign.

Either you print the first page when the exam becomes available if you have a printer or you copy it to your answer sheet, fill it, and signed there. 

“By submitting this assessment online, I declare on my honor that I will solve the exam using only the authorized consultation elements, autonomously and without exchanging any information by any means, with any person or information repository, physical or virtual.”

Name:                                                            Number:

_________________________________________________ (signature)

During the exam,  no mobile phones should be nearby, and the computer can only be used to view the exam

During the exam, you should have both the camera and the audio on, within Zoom

Ideally, the camera should be positioned in a way that allows seeing you and the environment around you, namely the desk where you have your answer sheets

For the sake of privacy or any other justified reason, you may ask to soften the former rule

You should try at your best to take the exam in a quiet place, alone, not only to fully concentrate in the exam but also to not disturb your colleagues since the audio is on

After completing the exam, you have to upload it in the Fenix system

The file to upload should be a pdf with the following:

- a page with the image of the Commitment of Honor if you printed the first page of the exam

- a page with the image of your IST ID card (or an official Identification card) with your photo and name

- pages with the images of all your answer sheets (including the Commitment of Honor if you copied to the answer sheet)

If you don’t have a scanner, you may use your mobile phone to do the scans. There are many apps for mobile phones that allow scanning to pdf, for instance, CamScanner, Tiny Scanner. See for others.

The Fenix page where you have to upload the above pdf file is the same as for the MCSM projects (in the evaluation section). It is already there a “project”, called “Exame 1 - MCSM” prepared to receive your submission.

Before submitting be sure that your pdf has all images needed (especially the ones with your answers) and all pages are readable(*), and after submission it was successfully received.

(*) Readable in two ways: pdf is readable but also your writing is readable