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End Procedure

14 fevereiro 2019, 22:15 Marcos Duarte Mateus

The evaluation process is now finished. Class grades have been uploaded to Fenix.

A significantly high percentage of you attended most of the classes (if not all) and had a serious learning posture. I would like to take this final opportunity to thank you for considering Environmental Modelling an important discipline for your career.

I understand that some felt uneasy sometimes with the evaluation process, as the originally proposed methods changed during the semester. Please mind that these changes were made to improve the final score.

I believe that you did grasp the major concepts and improved your scientific and engineering skills, and I hope that some will pursue their thesis in disciplines in which numerical modelling is central.

Here at MARETEC we always have many projects with modelling work in many environmental disciplines. Keep that in mind!

All the best,



7 fevereiro 2019, 10:28

GRADES : provisório

5 fevereiro 2019, 14:09

Final evaluation

28 janeiro 2019, 11:42


23 janeiro 2019, 14:33

Corpo Docente

Ramiro Joaquim De Jesus Neves



Marcos Duarte Mateus