[MAPI] Exam1 happens in presence. Is needed computer or smartphone.

16 junho 2024, 17:13 José António Da Cruz Pinto Gaspar

Dear all Industrial Automation students,

the first exam, Wednesday, 19th June, 18:00, has a duration of 2 hours, and has two parts (i) Moodle and (ii) detailed answers in paper (can be white sheets of paper). Both parts can be answered at any time of the duration of the exam. The Moodle part will be carried in the DEEC Moodle
into which you log in using your Fenix account. Is needed your computer or your smartphone. Note that the ** use of bibliographic material, either in paper or in digital format is allowed **. Exchange of information with others is forbidden (cannot use voice, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, WAP, … ).

Subject2, preparation and office hours (Zoom). Please see in Moodle the topic "Train for exam" containing simple quizzes which you can try multiple times. In case you have questions while preparing for the exam, you can use the office hours (horários de dúvidas)
17th June, Monday, 14:00-15:00
18th June, Tuesday, 14:30-15:30
using the Zoom link:
Office hours end after 15min with no students attending.

Wishing the best studies and successes in Industrial Automation,
J. Gaspar